I influenced the features, I lended my expertise on them, and I learned about the customer - all this way before the spec'ing phase. Like many technology companies, Microsoft uses levels to indicate seniority for employees, including engineers. Do a search for people in those groups in NYC area and check their status to see who is hiring. Write it down in a team-culture career section you keep in OneNote (start that section now if you don't have it). Same applies if you started your career in Test. To change Microsoft so that it is small and efficient, and therefore more in line with your thinking?Are you changing your stance because you're leaving the 'hoi polloi' behind? Stop fighting which is where mapped. If you want to advance and you are not a "favorite underling", your first and most important job is this: figure out how to become a "favorite underling". SAP, Go to company page The skip level is totally nonchalant to her ways. I'm a Level 64 in Office and I agree that the Level Compression puts a crimp in promotion velocity in Office. Directors are usually senior principals (level 66, 67) or at Partner level. And we have the budget for it. * It is true that working for the promotion should not be your only driver, but it is important for it to be "a" driver -- of course you should enjoy what you are doing while working to achieve that next level, but remember that you are not there to become a bench-warmer. One of my august colleges uses the analogy of a trapeze artist. Its a bit like the famous phrase about the definition of obscenity. right?). Strategy and Product Leader for an omni-channel team encompassing blended physical-digital experiences that combine personalized services with customer relationship strengthening across 400- centers. Discussion: First off, I'm going to be hard-core about comments here. There are definitely projects you can work on with your manager to increase your visibility, but if things don't happen right away just keep at it.Your manager should be able to give you fairly specific feedback on where you stand in your skip-level's eyes. At 63, he has to be the one who tells me what the next thing for the product should be. And your list of bullet points on qualities of a 63-er is pretty much the short list I have boiled it down to. IBM pulled themselves out of their decline by focusing on their customers. We in general hire very smart people who can figure it out. But good leadership at the top can make visibility a positive thing for the person getting it and for the org who sees the person getting it. In general, these designations are based on rank, with the highest director position being the executive director or director of operations. For the folks on the path to L63, I want you to first understand your boss's opinion of you, your opinion of yourself, what it takes to succeed in your team, and then ways you can step up and be on the right path. It varies greatly from manager to skip.The hardest point for me to bear is that I am young, capable of doing so much more, and absolutely dying to do more. Difference between getting promoted to L65 and joining as new FTE at L65 is HUGE. Then I would get emails rating my abilities in these areas that I had no input into it and any replies rebutting it would go unanswered. Risk and return are related. In my co-workers case, they overloaded him with work and then documented anything that fell through the cracks until they had enough to get rid of him.I'm sure HR throttles managers when this is going on. He/she and you should know exactly what you need to do to get to the next level. you want to complete A and A requires 10 devs. There is a comment about reporting to someone who is the same level as you are. Any tips will be greatly helpful. i asked him if he knew the absolute most important thing for him to do to get promoted. I think talking about level just confuses people as beyond US there is a different level system!L63 in the US is Senior (Level 60 in most of the other countries), well, moving to Senior is not such a big thing if you have experience, with more than 10 years in the industry I was hired at this level, now Senior II is just a matter of continuing contributing but the different comes to Principal (or lead), here is where you need to shine in order to succeed.Recommendation: Work not only towards your commitments but your managers as well As a former L65 (left MSFT about two months ago) I can say you are right on when it comes to understanding where your boss stands. Like another poster, I was a 64 who hit the "65 wall" after 10 years at MS. These posts are provided "as-is" with no warranties and confer no rights. Salesmanship is extremely important. Now it's up to me to do whatever it takes to make *them* great, even if it doesn't benefit my product directly. And as my experience shows, many teams do not even staff a senior. So far, we all appear to have jobs, but man, what a shocker, I thought ours was one of the more stable teams.Not sure what happens to our Director, he seemed a bit shocked himself when he delivered the news today. And a knife-fight for L65 (some other day). They can be wrong about exactly what these flaws are, but they aren't wrong that you are flawed. These turtles gets promoted eventually just based on time spent at MS and because they werent doing anything wrong even though they dont really meet CSP criteria. Framed on my former VP's wall:"High-level guys are low-level guys that don't whine.". Or you wait until you get escorted out.I dont know what the final outcome of my situation will be but I expect in the end, I will think it was for the better.Good luck to all in your Microsoft careers, but pay attention to the levels, CSPs and how stack rankings work. A mistake was a huge cost. You dont have the same experience or abilities to perform in a core STB senior level role. I'm a level 66 dev (architect). The point here is that I have more than once seen folks that were very talented and super stars get bumped for someone less talented but more vocal. +1 on the level balancing difference in subs.As someone who has transferred employees to/from corp/sub both directions and has promoted a bunch of folk, the corp level for a role is 2 numbers higher than the equivalent sub one. First, they are moving *to* something that they think fits them better -- and bringing an enthusiasm for the new position to go with the better fit. The "how" now has broader impact. I was in a group that was reorging constantly and there were frequent management changes, so it took all of the political skill I'd developed over the years to focus my GM on giving me that fucking promotion. Eventually, their team will remove itself from his control through internal transfers to teams with better managers, and the asshole ends up getting canned in a re-org if he doesn't see the writing on the wall and use his Apple resume entry to jump to some other company.The fact that you praise someone for "junk yard dog mode" shows me that Microsoft has a fundamentally broken corporate culture, and that you are part of the problem.-jcr, Think of the guy in the other companyI don't like where this is goingThat is the guy to beat.No, No, NO!Think of the customer, not the competition! Some of them don't have a very good idea of what a Level 65 does since they have not had much experience with those promotions. Great post! After that, I was given a team that was in trouble quality wise 6 months before shipping. Expertise in the following areas: Product Marketing Consistently created groundbreaking, customer-focused value . I've seen L65's who can't own a cardboard box, let alone a room.Well you know, don't go for them for advice! Promotion budgets of 65 and above has been kept intact.Promotion and raise budgets are going to be quite tight everywhere, not just at MS. A Senior Director gets a basic salary package of $190,000, which gets as high . This is a discussion to foster debate and by no means an enactment of policy-violation. If the answer for you is "No" and you don't like that, well, what are you going to do? kc. So I cultivate relationships with my manager's peers; their support helps tremendously. If you are within striking distance of level 63 in the next few years, then consider yourself VERY fortunate. Got two promotions - still level 60. Thats why L64->L65 transition is so hard. Now a VP at a small cap (and growing, yes in this economy) company. In fact, every boss I've had has told me that I was the most frustrating employee they've ever had, mostly because I ignore half the things they ask me to doAnyhow, here's my advice: do a good job.That's it. the higher you go, the bigger deal this is - at least to where i have gotten.Finally, not everybody will be good in every role. Maybe you are ready, but you and your manager can plan what would be the assignment that would show that you're ready. Leadership, for instance. The average salary for a Senior Director is $170,707 per year in United States, which is 65% lower than the average Microsoft salary of $500,742 per year for this job. Titles are important, and dont let anyone make you believe otherwise. abbott diabetes care customer service; sasha obama playing drums; silverstone woodlands camping tips; dagannoth mother osrs; how do i check my reader digest subscription; martin moreno leaves fluffy; abc12 obituaries flint, michigan . If you find a boss who likes the kind of work you can do, follow him/her wherever they go. The job level for Technical Fellow starts at 80 and goes beyond. How long do people usually sit at L62 in MCS? They are 100% star material. Find out if you have a positive trajectory in the stack ranking. Add your salary anonymously in less than 60 seconds and continue exploring all the data. Last August (different group), I received a dreaded "Limited II", in spite of my manager telling me that he didn't actually think I was in the "bottom 10" at Microsoft, but that the devil made him do it (so to speak) and that it was a "no-brainer" for him. Finally I got involved and had a one/one with the employee during which I asked him why do you continually insist on doing Y when your mgr asks you to do X? I nearly fell of my chair when he said because I want to get promoted and I know that to get promoted I need to do Y. Not so at L63. There are 12 Directors in my sub and over 1000 people all scoping to one day be a Lvl 63reality, most people will leave before they get that far. When you see a bozo who is L65 it is highly likely that he had joined MS recently at L64-L65 directly.Here's biggest difference in expectations between levels: The L62 guys are supposed to be able to lead their feature and perhaps influence couple of related features by spreading their best practices. Title doesn't matter, that's a job description. Will some new person to the team who shows high growth potential push you aside even though you've been doing really solid work for years?Sometimes I wish it worked like an experience bar in a video game where you can clearly see when you will "ding".